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उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal a Garhwali Poet

Critical and Chronological History of Modern Garhwali (Asian) Poetry –-53
                    Literature Historian:  Bhishma Kukreti
         Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal in Garhwali literature is more famous on writing commentary and reactionary notes. His forwarding notes on various poetry collections are appreciated. In short, Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal is a known critic in Garhwali literature.
 Bhagwati Prasad was born in Gauri Kot (Idwalsyun) , Pauri Garhwal in 1931.
  Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal created a couple of poems and the following is one of his favorite poems-
मैं हिमालय बोलणु  छऊँ (लम्बी कवितांश ) 
-मैं हिमालय बोलणु  छऊँ 
क्य तुम तक म्यरि आवाज 
पौंछणी च ?
क्य बोले - बिंगेणू नी च ?
चुचों क्य ह्वे तुमारि कन्दूड्यों  तैं 
म्यरि तरौं तुम अज्युं बुड्या नि होयें    … 
ल्या त हौर जोर   करी बोल्दौं (लरै -लरै कि बोल्द )
अरे भै ! मैं हिमालयहिमालय  बोलणु  छऊँ
नि बींगि अज्युं बि तब त 
तुम न त उच -कंदुड्या छ्यें न बैरा 
औड़ी कीटी तैं बण्या छैं -बैरा 
अर वांको कारण ?
कारण मैं बतांदु /गुस्सा नि ह्वेन 
म्यरा भूलों म्यरि भूल्यों /यु कसूर तुम्हारो नी च 
कसूर च वीं रीत भौंणो /ज्व तुमन अपणै याले 
मि तैं -तुमन भुलै याले 
'चल खुट्टि कौथिगै '/तुमतैं आदत पड़गि  
मंडा झंगोरो बाड़ी /अब क्यापि ह्वेगि 
म्यरा छा जु /वूं मन्ख्योंन ऋषि - मुन्योन 
म्यरु मान करे सम्मान करे 
वेद अर पुराणों मा /म्यरि स्तुति करे 
देव द्यब्तौं न /म्यरि खुगलि खुजाये 
शूरबीर धीर अर पराक्रमी नर नार्यों न 
म्यारा अज्वल भाल पर /तिलक लगाये 

पर ह्वेकि एक रा 
अपणि भाषा अर संस्कृति को 
मान करा सम्मान करा 
यीं धर्ती  को 
जैंका माटन 
तुम तैं 
अ आ सिखाये 
मनिखि बणाये 
वीं तैं नमन करा 
साभार -- अंग्वाळ )

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai; 2016
Critical and Chronological History of Asian  Modern Garhwali Folk Songs ; Critical and Chronological History of Modern Garhwali Folk Verses; Critical and Chronological History of Asian Modern Poetries; Poems Contemporary Poetries; Contemporary folk Poetries from Garhwal; Development of Modern Garhwali Folk Songs; Poems; Critical and Chronological History of South Asian    Modern Garhwali Folk Verses; Modern Poetries; Contemporary Poetries; Contemporary folk Poetries Poems  from Pauri Garhwal; Modern Garhwali Folk Songs; Modern Garhwali Folk Verses; Poems ; Modern Poetries; Contemporary Poetries; Contemporary folk Poetries from Chamoli Garhwal; Critical and Chronological History of Asian Modern Garhwali Folk Songs; Modern Garhwali Folk Verses; Poems; Critical and Chronological History of Asian  Modern Poetries; Contemporary Poetries, Poems folk Poetries from Rudraprayag Garhwal Asia; Modern Garhwali Folk Songs; ; Critical and Chronological History of Asian Modern Garhwali Folk Verses; Modern Poetries; Contemporary Poetries; Contemporary folk Poetries from Tehri Garhwal; Asia ; Poems;  Inspirational and Modern Garhwali Folk Songs; Asian Modern Garhwali Folk Verses; Modern Poetries; Contemporary Poetries; Contemporary Folk Poetries from Uttarkashi Garhwal;  Modern Garhwali Folk Songs; Modern Garhwali Folk Verses; Poems; Asian Modern Poetries; Critical and Chronological History of Asian Poems; Asian Contemporary Poetries; Contemporary folk Poetries Poems from Dehradun Garhwal; Famous Asian Poets; Famous South Asian Poet ; Famous SAARC Countries Poet ;Critical and Chronological History of Famous Asian Poets of Modern Time;

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