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उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

Thursday, July 25, 2013

O Dayalu Neta: Oriental/Asian Folk Song Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving

Oriental/Asian Folk Song and Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal -46  

  रवांइउत्तरकाशीदेहरादून गढ़वाल क्षेत्र  के  प्रचलित   लोक गीत- 46     

    Translation, Interpretation by: Bhishma Kukreti

 The alcohol affects the human from angles
Drinking alcohol results poor reflexes.
Driving under alcoholic influence brings less muscle controls.
Drinking alcohol results poor coordination among body parts and mind.
The alcohol drunk driver feels different light sensitivity.
Driving under alcoholic influence create blurred vision.
Driving under alcoholic influence bring results color impairment.
 Driving under alcoholic influence disturbs normal tunnel vision
Driving under alcoholic influence decrease in depth perception
 That is why accidents take place under drunk driving.

O Dayalu Neta: Oriental/Asian Folk Song Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving:  

  There was severe accident when a drunk driver was driving bus from Rishikesh to Ravain at Dharasu Band
 The following folk sons depicts the situation as  
शराब पीकर गाडी दुर्घटना  दर्शाता लोक गीत

(सन्दर्भ:-  चिट्ठी पत्री पत्रिका,  ओक्टोबर 2003)
इंटरनेट प्रस्तुति  एवं अतिरिक्त व्याखा - भीष्म कुकरेती )

सेता फुली आरु सेता फुली आरु  दयालु नेता सेता फुली आरु
ऋषिकेश पीलाई नौ बोतल दारु  दयालु नेता नौ बोतल दारु
साँई लंगा लंगी साँई लंगा लंगी   दयालु नेता साँई लंगा लंगी
धारासु का बैंडा गाड़ि दंगादंगी  दयालु नेता  गाड़ि दंगादंगी
बासल नीन्यार बासल नीन्यार  दयालु नेता बासल नीन्यार
गाड़ि दंगादंगी टैर पड़ी भैरा  दयालु नेता टैर पड़ी भैरा
 बान  अपाव बान  अपाव  दयालु नेता बान  अपाव
यमुना  किनारा फाड़ल कपाव  दयालु नेता फाड़ल कपाव

O Dayalu Neta: Oriental/Asian Folk Song Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving  
 The bus driver consumed a lot of alcohol.
At Dharasu Bend the bus started going out of control.  
The bus tier came out of road and fell into Yamuna River
The heads were smashed  

Copyright Interpretation, @ Bhishma Kukreti 25/7/2013 
Chitthi Patri, Lok Geet Visheshank, October 2003
Oriental/Asian Folk Literature from Ravain/Rawaeen, Yamuna-Tons Valley Region, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Garhwal to be continued …47 
( रवांइ क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हर की दून, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जानकी चट्टी, रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; फुल चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; मोरी रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुजेली , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; पुरोला , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बनाल पट्टी ,रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषाजागर, लोक गीत ; राढ़ी डांडा,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;यमुनोत्री , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; हनुमान चट्टी , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; खरसाली रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; गंगनाणी ,  रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; बडकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; नौगाँव , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; आराकोट , रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; जर्मोला धार रवांइ -उत्तरकाशी क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;लाखामंडल,  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;चकरौता  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ;अनहोल रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत ; त्यूणी  रवांइ -देहरादून  क्षेत्र के रंवाल्टी  भाषा जागर, लोक गीत श्रृखला जारी)

Notes on Oriental/Asian Folk Song Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving;  
Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Kharsali Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Radhi danda Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Janki Chatti Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Hanuman Chatti  Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Ful Chatti Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Yamunotri Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Yamuna valley Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song fromTones Valley  Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Gangnani Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Barkot Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Arakot Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Naugaon Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Tyuni  Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Lakhamandal Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving; Oriental/Asian Folk Song from Anhol Garhwal Illustrating Bad Effects and Worse Results of Drunk Driving

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