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उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

Monday, May 20, 2013

Kalu Bhandari Jagar Gatha: Story of Bravery of Brave man and his Love Story

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths, Jagar of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-31

 Chivalry, Gallantry, Graciousness Folklores, Folk Legends, Folk Myths, Ballads of Bravery of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand –16 

                                         Bhishma Kukreti
                  Dr Baluni states that the time period of Brave Soldier is in sixteenth or seventeenth century. It is also believed that Kalu Bhandari was father of Madho Singh Bhandari.While Dr Nautiyal suggests that it  is a Katyuri Folk Story
                  The Jagar of Kalu Bhandari is called Ranbhut Jagar or the Jagar of brave men who lost their lives in battles.
              कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ/जागर  -31 
कालू भंडारी जागर गाथा ,जागरवीर-वीरंगनाएं  गाथा : भडौ , कटकूभड़वळि  या पांवड़ाजागर 
 (Reference: Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal)

होलू कालू भंडारी मालू मा कु माल
अनं का कोठारा छया वैका , बसती का भंडारा
गाडू घटडे छई , धारु मरूडे
धनमातो छौ , छौ अन्न्मातो
जीवनमातो छौ कालू स्यौ भंडारी
आदि रात मा तै  सुपिनो होयो
सुपिना मा देखी विनी स्या ध्यानमाला  
देखी वैन बरफानी कांठा
बरफानी कांठा देखे ध्यानमाला को डेरा
चांदी का सेज देखे , सोना का फूल
आग जसी आँख  देखी , जिया जसी जोत
बाण सी अरेंडी देखी , दई सि तरेंडी
नौंण  सी गळखी देखी , फूल सि कुठखी
 हिया सूरज देखे , पीठ मा चंदरमा
मुखडी को हास  देखे , मणियों का परकास 
कुमाळी  सि ठाण देखे , सोवन की लटा
तब चचडैक  उठे , भिभडैक  बैठे
तब जिया बोदे क्या  ह्वेलो मेरा त्वाई
आज को सुपिनो जिया , बोलणि आंदो  
ना ल़े बेटा कालू सुपिना को बामो
सुपिना मा मा बेटा , क्या नि देखेंदु
कख नि जयेन्दु , क्या नि खायेंदु
मैन ज्यूण मरणा जिया हिन्वाला ह्वेक औण
तख रौंद मातावा बांद ध्यानमाला
कालू भंडारी मोनीन मोयाले
तब पैटी गे वो तै नवलीगढ़
भैर को रखो छौ कालू भीतर को भूखो
कथी समजाई जियान वो
चली आयो वो ध्यानमाला को गढ़
ध्यान माला औणी छै पाणी का पन्द्यारा
देखी  औंद कालू  भंडारीन वो
हे मेरा प्रभू वा बिजली कखन छूटे
सुपिना मा देखी छै जनी , तनी छा  नौनि या
आन्छरी सि सच्ची , सरप की सि बची
अर देखे ध्यानमालान कालू भंडारी वो
बांको जावन छौ वो बुरांस को सी फूल
तू मेरी जिकुड़ी छे बांकी ध्यानमाला
त्वे मा मेरो ज्यू 
सुपिनो मा देखी तू तब यख आयूँ
आज तू मै तैं  प्रेम की भीख दे
तब ल्ही गे वो ध्यानमाला  अपडो दगड
कुछ दिन इनि रेन वो गुप्ती रूप मा
तब बोल्दो कालू भंडारी
कब तैं रौण रौतेली इनु लूकी लूकिक
तब ध्यानमाला का बुबा धरम देव
 कालू भंडारी मिलण ऐगे
सुण सूण धर्मदेव धरमदेव
मै आया डांडा टपीकगाडू बौगीक 
मैं जिउण   मोरण राजा
तेरी नौनि ध्यानमाला ल़ाण
ऐलान्दो बैलोंदो तब राजा धरमदेव
मेरा राज मा अयाँ होला 
हैंका राज से पांच भड
साधी लौलो ऊँ तैं जु कालू भंडारी
ब्यावोलो त्वे ध्यानमाला
कालू भंडारी का जोंगा बबरैन
वैका छाती का बाळ जजरैन
उठाए वैन तब नंगी शमशीर
चली गये हैंका हैर भड़ू साधण
इतना मा गंगाडी हाट का रूपु
आयो ध्यानमाला हाथ मांगण
ब्यौ को दिन तब नीछे    ह्व़े गये
पकोड़ा पकीनहल्दी रंगीन
नवलीगढ़ मा कनो उच्छौ छायो
कालू भंडारी लड़दू रेगे भड़ू  सात
तै के कानू मा खबर नी पौंची
पिता की मर्जी , अपणी नी छें वींकी
बरांडी छे किरांदी छे वा नौनि ध्यानमाला
तब सुमरिण करदी वा कालू भंडारी
तेरी मेरी प्रीत दूजा जनम ताई
किस्मत फूटे मेरी बिधाता 
जोड़ी को मलेऊ फंट्याओ   
तब देखे वैन ध्यानमाला रोणी बराणी
जाणि याले वैन होई गे कुछ ख्ट्गो
रौड़दो -दौड्दो आयो माला का भौन
हे मेरी माला क्या सोची छै मैन
अर क्या करी गये दैव
कालू भंडारी , हे कालू भंडारी
मेरा पराणु को प्यारो होलो कालू भंडारी
मेरा सब कुछ तू  मैं छौं तेरी नारी
देखे वीं कालू भंडारी क्वांसी आन्ख्युन
हात बुर्याँ छा वैका , खुटा छा फुक्यां
कांडो सि होयुं छौ वो सुकीक
मेरा बाबा यें कतना तरास सहे
गला लगाये वीन तब कालू भंडारी
मरण जिउण ही जाण
तब बोल्दु कालू भंडारी
तेरी माया ध्यानमाला मैकू सोराग समान
कु जाणो क्या होंद बिधाता को लेख
पर मैं औंलू ब्योऊ का दिन
तू मेरी माला आखिरें फेरा ना फेरी
तब वखन चलिगे वो कालू भंडारी
कुछ दिन बाद आये ब्यो का दिन
गंगाडी हाट मा तब बारात सजे
ब्यौ का ढोल दमौं घारू गाडू गजीन
नवलीगढ़ राज मा भी बजदे बडई
मंगल स्नान होंदु माला लैरंदी पैरंदी
धार मा की गैणा सि दिखेंदी माला
बोलदी तब वींको जिया मुलमुल हंसी
ध्यानमाला होली राजौं का लेख
गंगाडीहाट का रूपु गंगसारा की
तब नवलिगढ़ बारात चढ़े
मंगल पिठाई हुए षटरस भोजन
तब ब्यौ को लग्न आये , फेरों का बगत
छै फेरा फेरीं मालान , सातों नी फेरे
मै अपण गुरु देखण देवा
तबरेक ऐयीगे तख साधू एक
कालू भंडारी  कालू भंडारी
पछाणी मुखडी वैकी मालान
वींको आंख्यी मा तब आस खिलगे
प्रफुल ह्व़े गे तब वा ध्यानमाला
मेरा गुरुआ होला तलवारी नाच का गुरु
मै देखणु चांदु जरा नाच ऊंको
तब गुरु स्सधू बेदी का ध्वार आइगे
नंगी शमशीर चमकाई वैन
एक फरकणा फुन्ड़ो मारी एक मारी उन्डो
पिंडालू सि काटिन वैन गोद्डा सी फाडींन
कुछ भागिन , कुछ मारे गेन
मारये गे वू रूपु गन्गसारो भी
तब बल मु ध्यानमाला ही छुटी गये
लौट आन्दु तब वीमुं कालू भंडारी
 मेरी माला आज जनम सुफल ह्व़े गे
अगास की ज़ोन पायी मैं फूलूं की सि डाळी
तब जिकुड़ा लगैले हातून मा धरिले वा
आज मेरो मन  मुराद पुरी होए
तबरे लुक्युं उठै रूपु का भाई
लूला गंगोला वैकु नाम छायो
मारी दिने वैन कालू भंडारी धोखा मा
रोये बराए तब राणी ध्यानमाला
पटके जन उखड़ सि माछी
मैं  तैं पायूँ सुहाग हरचे
मैंक तैं मांगी भीख खतेणे
कं मैकू तैं दैव रूठे
रखे दैणी जंगा पर वीन कालू को सिर
बाएँ जंग पर धरे वो रूपु गंगसारी
रोंदी बरांदी चढ़े चिता ऐंच
सती होई गे तब ध्यानमाला  
               Kalu Bhandari was bravest among braves. He owned cereal stores; house hold stores; watermills,; and large buildings.  Kalu Bhandari Bhad was prosperous.
                 When Kalu Bhandari was sixteen years old, he saw a dream. Kalu Bhandari saw Dhyanmala in snowy regions. Kalu Bhandari saw silver beds, gold flowers; fire some eyes of Dhyanmala, and light.
           Kalu Bhandari arose suddenly. His mother asked,” What happened?’  Kalu Bhandari told about his dream and Dhyanmala. His mother told that man sees various events and humans in dreams and he should not pay attention on dream. However, Kalu Bhandari started his journey for Navaligarh.  When Kalu Bhandari reached to Navaligarh, Dhyanmala was there at water source (Panght). Kalu Bhandari saw beautiful Dhyanmala. Dhyanmala saw strong Kalu Bhandari. Kalu Bhandari said to her,” Beautiful Dhyanmala! You are my heart. I saw you in dream and I came here.” Dhyanmala took Kalu Bhandari with her. They lived hiding for many days. After deep thinking Kalu Bhandari went to see Dharma Dev the father of Dhyanmala. Kalu Bhandari said to Dharma Dev,” O King I came far from to marry with Dhyanmala.”
           Dharma Dev said to Kalu Bhandari,” Five brave men came to my region. You fight with them. If win I would permit for marrying Dhyanmala with you.”
    The bravest of braves, Kalu Bhandari agreed the condition and went other regions to win those five brave men.
             In the mean time, Rupu of Gangadighat came there for marrying with Dhyanmala. The marriage date was fixed. There was festival mood among people in Navaligarh for the marriage between Dhyanmala and Rupu.  
   Kalu Bhandari saw dream that Dhyanmala is weeping. He reached to palace of Dhyanmala and realized the reality.
   Kalu Bhandari told Dhyanmala that she should not take seventh ‘fera’ of Sat ‘fera’ and assured that he would come at the time of marriage.
  On the day of marriage Rupu came to Navaligarh. At marriage ritual, after sixth ‘fera’, Dhyanmala told that she would like to see her warrior Guru. Kalu came in the dress of aGuru with sword. He beheaded soldiers of Rupu and killed Rupu.  Kalu came towards Dhyanmala.
          Lula Gangola the brother of Rupu was hiding there. He killed Kalu Bhandari be deceptive method. Dhyanmala started weeping.
  Dhyanmala became ‘Sati’ with pyre of Kalu Bhandari.

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 18/5/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarakhand to be continued…32  

Chivalry, Gallantry, gracious Folklores, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued…17    
Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Kumaon: Kala, Shilp,aur Sanskriti         www.himvan.com/webpages/dana.htm
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 

Folk Ballads of Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Uttarkashi, Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Tehri Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Rudraprayag, Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Chamoli, Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Pauri, Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Dehradun, Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Hardwar Garhwal; Folk Ballads of Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar, Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Nainital Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Almora, Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Champawat, Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Bageshwar, Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Dwarhat, Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Pithoragarh, Kumaon; Folk Ballads of Uttarakhand to be continued…  
Bhishma  Kukreti

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