(History of Kumaon from 1000-1790 AD)
(History of Chand Dynasty Rule in Kumaon)
History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar) - Part 213
When there is inside differences the outsider helping hand also becomes an enemy. Same thing happened in Kumaon King Deep Chand time.
Differences among Joshi groups
Shiv Datt Joshi of Mara Dal became guardian of King Deep Chandra. Joshis and their supporters were on the powerful positions. Hari Ram Joshi the cousin of Shiv Datt Joshi was wishing to become Bakshi (prime minister) of Kumaon kingdom. Hari Ram Joshi helped Fadtyal group for appointing Amar Singh Rautela as Kumaon King. Shiv Datt Joshi suppressed the revolt. Hari ram Joshi ran to Garhwal. Long back, Kantu Joshi was blinded by Doti Kalayan Chand and he also came to Shrinagar Garhwal. Jaya Nand the son of Kantu Joshi was in Shrinagar the capital of Garhwal. Other Joshis who were oppressed by Kumaon King Doti Kalyan Chandra were also there in Shrinagar. Under the leadership of Hari ram Joshi other Joshi went to visit Garhwal King Pradip Shah in Shrinagar.
Hari Ram Joshi told to Garhwal King Pradip Shah that they all belonged to Joshan (area of Joshi caste). Hari ram told to Pradip Shah that till date Joshi were looking after Kumaon kingdom administration. Hari ram inspired Garhwal King Pradip Shah to throw out Chand kings from Kumaon. Joshi requested Pradip Shah to make his son as Kumaon king. Hari Ram Joshi assured Pradip Shah that Kumaon people will welcome Pradip Shah as soon he would enter into Kumaon.
Factionalism and Fractions among Garhwali administrators and army Commanders
Garhwal Kingdom was also facing factionalism and fraction among Garhwal administrators and commanders.
Brahmins and upper caste Rajput were outsiders in Garhwal. Khasa Rajputs were original inhabitants of Garhwal. The leaders of both the Rajput groups did not see eye to eye. They used to fight with each other in open. There were many murders openly among groups of Rajput from outsiders and Khasa Rajput. The outsider Rajput groups were called Nagarkotiya. Nagarkotiya were from Jammu, Jeevi, Kamgda, Guler , Mandi regions. Narpat Singh Guleriya was the leader of outsider Rajput. He was army chief of Garhwal. Most probably, the Nagarkotiya leader Guleriya advised the Garhwal King Pradip Shah to attack on Kumaon. Pradip Shah came under influence of Hari Ram Joshi and Narpat Guleriya.
Attack on Kumaon by Garhwal King
Under the conspiracy influence of Hari Ram Joshi, Garhwal King attacked on Kumaon in 1757. It was one of the blackest days in the history of Kumaon and Garhwal because from this day the erosion of Uttarakhand started.
Pradip Shah reached juniyagarh (Garhwal border) with his huge army. Shiv Datt Joshi and Kumaon King Pradip Shah camped at Naithana of Palla Daura region. Shiv Datt Joshi captured Jaspur village at the bank of Ram Ganga and Binogad. Hari ram Joshi assured Pradip Shah that Kumaon people would welcome Garhwal King. Pradip Shah stayed in Juniyagadh for many days but no Kumaoni and Kumaon administrator came to welcome him. Even, the Fadtyal group opponent of Hari ram Joshi did not send any welcoming signal for Garhwal King. Fadtyal group became friend with Shiv Datt Joshi to save Kumaon kingdom.
Shiv Datt Joshi called Hari ram Joshi and assured him to appoint him Bakshi.
Shiv Datt Joshi sent his messenger with a letter that Pradip Shah was well wisher of Deep Chand. Shiv Datt Joshi asked the reason for Pradip Shah attacking on Kumaon. Pradip Shah answered that Deep Chand was as good as his real nephew. Pradip Shah put a condition that if Deep Chand write letter to him (Pradip Shah) as his uncle he would forgive Kumaon King. Indirectly, Pradip Shah wrote that Kumaon Kingdom would be under super rule of Garhwal Kingdom.
Pradip Shah also put another condition that Ram Ganga would be the dividing river for borders of Kumaon and Garhwal kingdoms. Shiv Datt Joshi accepted the second condition of Garhwal King. Joshi refused that Kumaon king would write any request to Garhwal King. Garhwal King and his advisors were ready for battle or war.
The Garhwal army camped in west of Ramganga till 1796.
It is said that Deep Chandra offered gifts to Dharnidhar Oza diplomat of Garhwal King. Oza refused to take gifts. Dharni Dhar put the sides of Kumaon King before Garhwal King Pradip Shah. Pradip Shah and his advisors declared Oza as corrupt diplomat for taking gifts from Kumaon King. Garhwal kingdom poet Maulram wrote that not only Dharni Dhar Oza but other administrators of Garhwal Kingdom took gifts from Kumaon King.
Those Garhwal Kingdom administrators planned with Shiv Datt Joshi that Garhwal King would not be ready to return. They planned that Kumaon army should attack on Pradip Shah and Garhwal commanders (who were against Guleriya) would take Garhwal King in the name of taking away the king for safety purpose and They would not supply war weapons and food to Guleriya’s army.
Read about Tamadhaunth battle in next chapter --214
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti -bckukreti@gmail.com 11/12/2013
Dr. Shiv Prasad Dabral, Uttarakhand ka Itihas Bhag 10, Kumaon ka Itihas 1000-1790
Badri Datt Pande, 1937, Kumaon ka Itihas, Shri Almora Book Depo Almora
Devidas Kaysth, Itihas Kumaon Pradesh
Katyur ka Itihas, Pundit Ram Datt Tiwari
Oakley and Gairola, Himalayan Folklore
Atkinson, History of District Gazette
Menhadi Husain, Tuglak Dynasty
Malfujat- E Timuri
Tarikh -e-Mubarakshahi vol 4
Kumar Suresh Singh2005, People of India
Justin Marozzi, 2006, Tamerlane: Sword of Islam
Bakshsingh Nijar, 1968, Punjab under Sultans 1000-1526
The Imperial Gazetteer of India, Volume 13 page 52
Bhakt Darshan, Gadhwal ki Divangit Vibhutiyan
Mahajan V.D.1991, History of Medieval India
Majumdar R.C. (edited) 2006, The Sultanate
Rizvi, Uttar Taimur Kalin Bharat
Tarikhe Daudi
Vishweshara nand , Bharat Bharti lekhmala
Aine-e Akbari
Akbari Darbar
Tareekh Badauni
Eraly Abraham, 2004 The Mogul Throne
The Tazuk-i-Jahangiri
Maularam- Gadh Rajvansh Kavya
Ramayan Pradeep
Annatdev’s Smriti-Kaustubh
Sarkar, History of Aurangzeb
Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzeb
Sarkar, fall of Mogul Empire
Sailendra Nath Sen, 2010, An Advanced History of Modern India
William Crooke, 1897, The North Western Provinces of India, page 116
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -214
History of Kumaon (1000-1790) to be continued….
Himalayan, Indian History of Chand Dynasty rule in Kumaon to be continued…
(Himalayan, Indian History (740-1790 AD to be continued…)
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