
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

When Ghosts Built Contour Farming Fields of Kimkhand (Near Bhairongadhi)

  (Garhwali Folk Tales from Gangasalan Series)
Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives -50
         Narrated by Udaya Ram Sharma (Barsudi, Walla Langur)

       Edited by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)

                         There are hundreds of community stores in Garhwal. It looks that these community stories are full of imagination and untruthful. However, these community stories are having links for historical perspectives. For example, the following Dobariyal community story is from Kimkhand but tell the history of partition of Dobariyals from original village Rajkil too. Dobariyals of village Rajkil are chief priest of famous Bhairon Gadhi temple or Langur Gadhi temple Pauri Garhwal.  
             The story is about famous Tantrik and Mantrik Guru Dayal Dobariyal of Kimkhand. It is said that Guru Dayal Dobariyal was so famous in Mantra and Tantra that by seeing the face he would tell the facts of illness or future of the person. In his young age he became famous Mantrik and Tantrik. In his young age he used to live in Rajkil.  His cousins were envied by his power of command over Mantra and Tantra.
          There was infighting among joint family members of Guru Dayal Dobarilyal in Rajkil. It was decided that family of Guru Dobariyal would settle in nearby forest region of Kimkhand. Guru Dayal’s father said to his elder brother,” Brother! How can I settle there in Kimkhand forest? There is no farming field as are in Rajkil”
          Guru Dayal’s cousin remarked sarcastically,” Uncle! You should not worry. Guru Dayal is very powerful on his Mantra and Tantra. He would dig forest and built contour farming fields (to make plains) in Kimkhand area.” Guru Dayal and his father understood the sarcastic view.
         Guru Dayal accepted the challenges. It was decided that on next full moon day, Guru Dayal’s family would settle in Kimkhand.
  There were left only seventeen days to make plains in Kimkhand region. Guru Dayal went to pray in Bhairav Mandir.
            Guru Dayal went to Kimkhand jungle on Amavasya (new moon night). There he performed his Tantrik and Mantrik performances. Guru Dayal called his slaves Ghosts by Manta. His entire slave Ghosts came there and asked Guru Dayal,” O our Master! Tell us what can we do for you?”
 Guru Dayal ordered his slave Ghosts to make plains in that forest land and build four contour fields.
  For whole night, Ghosts cut trees and dug the land, built walls dividing one filed to other upper field and by morning four contour fields were made by Ghosts. Guru Dayal ordered his slave Ghosts to hide the farming field by pine and oak leaves. Ghosts followed the order of Guru Dayal.  
 Every night, Guru Dayal used to come to Kimkhand forest and used to supervise Ghosts making plains of Kimkhand forest. After finishing works, Ghosts used to hide the ready fields by leaves.
Nobody in Rajkil knew what happened in Kimkhand forest.
 On full moon day, all villagers of Rajkil came to Kimkhand to settle Guru Dayal family there and were shocked that fifty- sixty plain contour fields were ready in Kimkhand area. Cousins of Guru Dayal felt sorry and bowed down before Guru Dayal Dobariyal.
 This is the story of partition of Kimkhand village from Rajkil village.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 7/1/2014 for review and interpretation
Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, to be continued …in next chapter


1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003, 
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun

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