
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rami Baurani: Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Garhwali Poetry

 [Love Emotion in Garhwali Modern Poetry -2]             

                                    Bhishma Kukreti
[Notes on Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Garhwali Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Uttarakhandi Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Mid Himalayan Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Himalayan Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern North Indian Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Indian regional language Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Asian Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Oriental Poetry]          
            Sad love poetry is not new and is not limited to any territory. Sad love poem attracts the heart of readers. That is why great poets as E.E. Cummings (1894-1962), Edgar Allen Poe, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Ella Wilcox, Sir George Etherege, Pablo Neruda, Carl Sandberg or Yeats became famous by their sad love poems.
As far as Modern Garhwali poetry is concerned it started around 1875 but the publication started when Garhwali newsletter started to publish from 1906.
   Baldev Prasad Sharma’Deen’ had been a most prolific poet of his time. His famous lyric ‘Rami Baurani’ became folk song and this lyric is still most sung lyric in modern time. The lyric ‘Rami Baurani caught attention of Garhwalis and Kumaunis.  
There are two stanzas for showing love in lyric ’Rami Baurani’ The love scenes are with propriety in love, the love is shown eternal love and full of devotion. There is sacrifice in showing the love of wife whose husband is away from house for twelve years.
The lyric is in story form.
In the makeup of sage the husband of Rami returns after twelve years and took test of his wife about her physical and mental devotion towards her husband. She narrates her sadness for her husband leaving her and going to foreign country for employment.
 गढ़वाली कविताओं में प्रेम-2
रामी (बाटागोड़ाई)
रचयिताबलदेव प्रसाद शर्मा 'दीन' (1918AD)

स्वामी विरह की कविता
मेरा स्वामिन मै छोड्यु घरनिर्दयी ह्वे गै मई पर,
ज्युंरा का घर नी जगा मैंकूस्वामी बिछोह हुयुंच जैं कू।
My cruel husband left me alone
I don’t have place in the house of death god.
It is better the wife dies after her husband leaves her.
पतिव्रता के रूप में प्रेम अभिव्यक्ति
When her husband finds intact and intense devotion of Rami , he comes to her house and asks her to provide meal on the same plate of her husband. She refuses bluntly
स्वामी की थाळी पर मैन केकूसाग अर भात क्यों देण तेकू
खौंदो छे जोगी  खाई लेदि , नी खांदी जोगी ता जाई लेदी।
Rami says- I shall never provide meals to other on the plate of my husband. O sage! If you want to take meal on other’s plat I shall offer you. If you insist to take meal on my husband’s plat it is just impossible and you may find other house.
1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna: Shailvani
2-Dr. Jagdamba Prasad Kotnala, Gadhwali Kavy ka Udhbhav evam Vikas
3-Bhishma Kukreti on Garhwali poetry -Sankalp
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 21/2/2013
Notes on Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Garhwali Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Uttarakhandi Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Mid Himalayan Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Himalayan Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern North Indian Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Indian regional language Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Asian Poetry; Sadness by separation with Husband in Modern Oriental Poetry to be continued…

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