
Friday, February 8, 2013

Nanda Jat Jagar: Awareness, wakeful Rituals about Goddess Nanda Devi -6

Notes on Naming Ceremony of goddess Nanda Devi part - 2
          Internet Presentation: Bhishma Kukreti
                नंदा जात जागर -फड़कि (भाग) 6
(s = आधी  )
मूल संकलन - डा नन्द किशोर हटवाल , देहरादून
 There are many folk stories and folk songs popular in Garhwal and Kumaun. The following folk song is popular in Upper Garhwal (Chamoli and Rudraprayag).
                 नंदा कु नामकरण-2
जब नारद नामकरण हेटी आये तो कहने लगे सारे खिड़की और दरवाजे बंद कर दो तभीही कन्या का नामकरण होगा।

किन्तु कन्या धुआँ जाने के छेड़ से बाहर चली गयी। और चलते चलते अपना नाम अपनेआप हे रख लेती है। इसके बाद रिषासौ पर दोष लग जाता है। पुछेर/भविष्यवक्ता से गणतनिकालने पर मालुम हुआ कि नंदा का दोष लगा है। हेमंत t  और मैनावती समस्त रिषासूके लोग उत्साह पुर्बक नंदा को लाने चल पड़े। मैणा ने ल्हुयुक्त कन्या को पोंछा और उसेथपथपाया। मैणा पश्चाताप से झल रही थी कि उसने कन्या को मिटटी की खान में कैसेछोड़ा?

घणा रिषासाउ पै सुणा द्यब्ताओ
घणा रिषासाउ पै स्योलागो द्वाष
हमारा मूलक बै क्यगे ह्वालो द्वाष
तुमारो मूलक पै देबी ह्वोलो द्वाष
निर्धारि निर्पंखी बै छाया की चौरड़ी
ल्वैढाळी कनया पै तखी बैठि ह्वोलि
बड़ा बूडों रिस्यों पै छाया की चौरड़ी
हेमंत -मैना पै छाया की चौरड़ी
मैणान उठाइ पै गोद धरयाली
ये पोंछि पलासि पै रवथाई ब्वोथाइ
शरमक मारा पै तैं मैणा पातले
माटा खंडोलि पै मिन छ्वोडि ह्वोलि

 Nand and Yashoda invited sage Narad for naming ceremony of girl they found in mine. Narad advised the couple to close down all the windows and doors at the time of naming ceremony. However, the girl escaped through smoke-chimney. The newly born girl named herself as Nanda.  The people of Rishisaura were ill and the future teller told that it is because of rage of Nanda. All people of Rishisaura including Hemant and Maina ran to take Nanda. They found Nanda on the path. Maina the mother of Nanda cleaned the she child and felt embarrassment for her leaving her newly  born girl child.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, for interpretation, 8/2/2013
नंदा का बचपन किस तरह बीता के लिए पढिये नंदा जात जागर -फड़कि ( भाग7 )
Read in part -7 about childhood of Nanda

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