
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gangajal: A Story of Imagery depicting images of Bikhot festival and fair

Critical Review of Modern Garhwali Stories -126
‘Gangajal’ a Modern Garhwali Story by Bhishma Kukreti (Hilans, March, 1990)-a critical Review and Analysis
Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali   Stories!
                              Review by Bhishma Kukreti
[Notes on Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fairGarhwali Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Uttarakhandi Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Mid Himalayan Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair; Himalayan Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Mid Himalayan Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair written by migrated Garhwali ; Himalayan  Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair by writer residing in Maharashtra; North Indian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  North Indian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair written by writer residing in Mumbai; Indian  Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair; Indian subcontinent Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  SAARC Countries Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  South Asian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Asian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Oriental Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair]   

      Garhwali story /fiction world is lucky for having various subjects, styles in stories. In each story of Garhwali story/fiction world is different than other story in plot, theme, character and characterization, setting, atmosphere and style. For example, Garhwali story by Bhishma Kukreti ‘Gangajal’ is a fine example of creating images of festival and fair.  The story takes the readers in rural Garhwal of sixties. In story, he creates first suspense and then narrates various aspects of Fulun Maina (month of flowers, Chait), the month of song, Bikhot festival celebration and Bikhot fair at Byaschatti the meeting place of Ganga and Nayar rivers. There is memoir of a kind hearted and sacrificing Shilpkar woman in the story. The characterization of Shilpkar woman and her sacrifice make the story vibrant and compelling. The story is told in first person and every event is seen and felt by the author.    
    The metaphors, simile descriptive language of story ‘Gangajal ‘create fine image of Bikhot
ब्यास चट्टी मा जत्र्यों रेल पेल शुरू ह्व़े गे छयो. Dukaani  मिठाईजलेबीपूरी पक्वड़गाजा बाजाक प्युंपाटछोडि चुंटी से भरीं छेxxx                xx
चा  पेक हम मथि रस्तों मा घुमण लगी गेवांथ्वड़ा थ्वड़ा दूर फर बादी बादण ढोलकी बजाणा अर नाचणा छयालोक अपण अपण अडगै बादी बादण देखिक रूप्या खसकाणा छयावै हीरस्ता मा दस बारा जगा मंडाण लगीं छेयख बि नाचण वाळ खासकर जौंक शराब पिंयीं छे वु रूप्या फुळणा छया
The story is successful in creating desired images of festival and fair and the Shilpkar woman and her sacrifice. Kukreti uses the effective tactics for creating auditory imagery, kinesthetic imagery, offertory imagery, gustatory imagery and tactile imagery in the said story.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 9/10/2012
Critical Review of Modern Garhwali Stories to be continued ...127
Notes on Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fairGarhwali Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Uttarakhandi Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Mid Himalayan Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair; Himalayan Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Mid Himalayan Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair written by migrated Garhwali ; Himalayan  Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair by writer residing in Maharashtra; North Indian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  North Indian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair written by writer residing in Mumbai; Indian  Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair; Indian subcontinent Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  SAARC Countries Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  South Asian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Asian Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair;  Oriental Story of Imagery depicting images of festival and fair to be continued…
Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali   Stories!

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