
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mangan: A Tragic Garhwali Drama about Handicap Female

(Review of Garhwali Drama ‘Mangan’ (1981) written by Chandra Shekhar Naithani)

Notes on Asian Tragic Dramas about Handicap,  South Asian Tragic Dramas about Handicap, SAARC countries Tragic Dramas about Handicap, Indian Tragic Dramas about Handicap, North Indian Tragic Dramas about Handicap, Himalayan Tragic Dramas about Handicap, Mid Himalayan Tragic Dramas about Handicap, Uttarakhandi Tragic Dramas about Handicap, Kumauni Tragic Dramas about Handicap, Garhwali Tragic Dramas about Handicap
एशियाई नाटकों में करुण रस, मध्य एशियाई नाटकों में करुण रस,सार्क देशीय नाटकों में करुण रस, भारतीय नाटकों में करुण रस,उत्तर भारतीय नाटकों में करुण रस, हिमालयी नाटकों में करुण रस, मध्य हिमालयी नाटकों में करुण रस, उत्तराखंडी नाटकों में करुण रस,कुमाउनीनाटकों में करुण रस, गढ़वाली नाटकों में करुण रस लेखमाला

                                               Bhishma Kukreti

               Whether he is a male or she is female, being physically handicap is a tragic aspect for every human being. The physically handicap human being has to pass through various problems, hurdles not only to balance the physical weaknesses but has to face various social harassments too. The parents of such physically handicap females have to undergo a never ending tension of marrying their handicap daughters.  When married the physically female handicap human being has to face psychological harassment from mother in law side. Even there is logic on a mother in law harassing her physically handicap daughter in law. The mother in law undergoes tremendous social and individual strain and stress by knowing that her daughter in law is physically handicap.    
                   Less is written on the subject of physically handicap human being by Garhwali playwrights. Parashar Gaud the prominent figure of Garhwali dramas or Rakesh Gairola one of the Garhwali drama activist appreciate  Chandra Shekhar Naithani for his taking initiative for writing a drama in Garhwali language on the subject of physically handicap female. A Drama dedicated Garhwali organization Bhagirathi Kala Sangam, Aliganj, New Delhi staged the Garhwali play ‘Mangan’ about a female handicap written by playwright Chandra Shekhar Naithani in Delhi in 1982.
             Naithani has been successful in keeping the curiosity alive till end for the coming events of drama in ‘Mangan’.
           The family members, relatives and friends of any handicap person undergo to strain, constant worry, trauma, suffering, disturbances and stress. Chandra Shekhar Naithani touches those traumas in the drama.
               There are two aspects of facing the weakness. One aspect for a handicap person is to go for struggle and another aspect of life is to escape from the struggle. One aspect is for other people to encourage handicap for overcoming the weaknesses and other reality is that other human beings discourage the handicap and encourage the handicap for escapism.  The audience comes to know choice of dramatist for struggle or escapism by handicap character at the last ending scene of the drama ‘Mangan’.
           There is subject of thinking in tragic drama ‘Mangan’ about the fate of ill fated handicap in the society. The playwright Naithani brings the emotions of adversity, affliction, catastrophe, misfortune, depression, direness in the drama with focused theme and suitable dialogues.
                  The drama ‘Mangan’ by playwright Chandra Shekhar Naithani is one of the finest examples of tragedy in modern Garhwali drama.

Curtsey: The reviewer is thankful to Parashar Gaud for his taking pain in supplying manuscript of ‘Mangan’ a Garhwali tragedy drama about handicap female.
1-Dr Anil Dabral, Garhwali Gady Parampara (Garhwali Dramas from beginning till 1990)
2-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga (Garhwali dramas from beginning till 1975)
3-Dr Sudharani, Garhwal ka  Rangmanch (Garhwali Dramas  from beginning till 1985)
4-Drama special issue of Chitthi Patri magazine (Garhwali Dramas and plays staged in Delhi, Karachi, Mumbai, Dehradun and other places)
5- Dr Hari Datt Bhatt Shailesh, Garhwali Natak evam Rangmanch: Ek Vihngam Avlokan (Garhwali Drams and theatres from beginning till 1985)
6-Dr Bhakt Darshan: Barrister Mukandi Lal Srmriti Granth (Garhwali dramatists or theatres playwrights till 1985
7-Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (pp108-116, about contribution of Bhagwati Prasad Panthri for developing Garhwali drama)
8-Notes of Parashar Gaud in Mera Pahad

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti

Notes on Tragedy of Handicap Female in Asian Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in South Asian Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in SAARC Countries Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in Indian Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in North Indian Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in Himalayan Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in Mid Himalayan Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in Uttarakhandi Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in Kumauni Dramas, Tragedy of Handicap Female in Garhwali Dramas to be continued…
एशियाई नाटकों में करुण रस, मध्य एशियाई नाटकों में करुण रस,सार्क देशीय नाटकों में करुण रस, भारतीय नाटकों में करुण रस,उत्तर भारतीय नाटकों में करुण रस, हिमालयी नाटकों में करुण रस, मध्य हिमालयी नाटकों में करुण रस, उत्तराखंडी नाटकों में करुण रस,कुमाउनीनाटकों में करुण रस, गढ़वाली नाटकों में करुण रस लेखमाला जारी

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