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उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

झुपड़ा जळणो दुःख जरुर च पण आग तापणो ख़ुशी क्या कम हूंद ?

हंसोड्या , चुनगेर ,चबोड़्या -चखन्यौर्या -भीष्म कुकरेती        

(s =आधी अ  = अ , क , का , की ,  आदि )

मि -हैं ! क्या तू यीं उमर मा मांगळ लगाण सिखणि छे ?
घरवळि  -जै जस दीना यूरोपियन कमिसन येssssss  
मि -यां क्या बात कि तीन आज तक कबि बि मांगळ नि लगाइ अर आज तू मांगळ लगाणी छे ?
घरवळि  -जै जस दीना यूरोपियन यूनियन येsssss 
मि -ह्याँ कैक ब्यावक बान मांगळु प्रैक्टिस करणी छे ? 
घरवळि  -जै जस दीना यूरोपियन इम्पोर्ट पॉलिसी येssss 
मि -ह्यां यी कैं भौणक मांगळ च ? 
घरवळि  -जै जस दीना इंडियन अल्फांसो मैंगो येssss 
मि -मेरी माँ उत्तर तो दो !
घरवळि  -जै जस दीना रत्नागिरी को हापूस येssss 
मि -व्हाट इज दिस हैपनिंग ?
घरवळि  -पता च यूरोपियन यूनियनन  भारतीय आमुं आयत पर रोक लगै आल। 
मि -क्या ? 
घरवळि  -हाँ ये साल भारत यूरोप तैं आम निर्यात नि कौर सकुद। 
मि -किलै ?
घरवळि  - भारत का आमुं दगड़ कुछ कीड़ा बि चल जांदन जु यूरोप मा अधिक नुकसानदायक हून्दन। 
मि -त इखमा खुस हूणै बात क्या च।  इखमा त रूणै बात च कि अब भारतीय आमुं निर्यात यूरोप मा नि होलु। 
घरवळि  -नै नै मि त भौत खुस छौं।  मि त पुळयाणु छौं कि अब भारत से आम एक्सपोर्ट नि ह्वाल।   
मि -ह्याँ पण पता च यूरोप हमकुण भौत बड़ो बजार च। 
घरवळि  -मी त प्रसन्न छौं। 
मि -पता च यूरोप तैं मैंगो एक्सपोर्ट से भारत तैं फॉरेन करेंसी मिल्दी छे अर मैंगो ऐक्स्पोर्टरु मा जोश  रौंद छौ। 
घरवळि  -पर मैंगो एक्सपोर्ट से हम आम आदम्युं जोश  तो जमींदोज ह्वे जांद छौ 
मि -पर आमुं निर्यात से मैंगो ग्रोवेर्स याने किसान उमंग मा रौंद छा। 
घरवळि  -किन्तु हम सरीखा लोगुं उमंग पैदा ही नि हूंद छौ।  
मि -ह्यां पण। 
घरवळि  - भौत सालुं से तुमन रत्नागिरी का हापुस याने अल्फांसो बि खायी ?
मि -खायी ? पता नी कुज्यणि कथगा साल हमन त अल्फांसो द्याख बि नी च। 
घरवळि  -हमन  गुजरात को केसरी आम बि चाख ?
मि -चखण त राइ दूर भौत साल बिटेन गुजरात केसरी आम की सुगंध बि नि सूंघ। 
घरवळि  -अर उत्तर प्रदेश का दशहरा , लंगड़ा आम ?
मि -मि त बिसर ग्यों कि भारत मा दशहरा -लंगड़ा आम बि पैदा हूंद। 
घरवळि  -किलै ?
मि -अरे अल्फांसो , केसरी या दशहरा आम इथगा मैंगा हूंदन की यूं सवादी किन्तु  मंहगा आम खौंला तो फिर हम खाणक खाण लैक बि नि रौंला।  
घरवळि  -मतबल हम बेसवादी आमुं से आमुं सीजन काडदा कि ना ?
मि -हाँ। 
घरवळि  -अर अब जब अल्फांसो जन आम निर्यात ही नि होला तो अफिक सवादी आमुं कीमत कम ह्वे जाल अर ज्यादा नासै एकाद दाणी त चाखि ल्योला कि ना ?
मि -हाँ , यदि यूरोप भारतीय आम निर्यात नि ह्वाल तो यूँ आमुं कीमत कम  हूण लाजमी च तो शायद इस साल हम भी अल्फांसो जैसे आम चूस सकेंगे। 
घरवळि  -बस अल्फांसो , दशहरा जन आम सस्ता ह्वे जाल अर यूँ खाणो आस मा खुस हूणु छौ , पुळयाणु छौं ,   प्रसन्न हूणु छौं। 
मि -हा हा हा हा हा …… हा हा हा हा …।  
घरवळि  -हैं तुम यी पागल जन किलै हंसणा छंवां ? 
मि -इ त इनि च जन बर्फीली रात मा कै गरीब की झोपड़ी जळणु हो  अर वैक परिवार खुस ह्वावु कि आज एक रात त आग तापणो त मील गे। 

Copyright@  Bhishma Kukreti  29/4/2014 

*कथा , स्थान व नाम काल्पनिक हैं।  
[गढ़वाली हास्य -व्यंग्य, सौज सौज मा मजाक  से, हौंस,चबोड़,चखन्यौ, सौज सौज मा गंभीर चर्चा ,छ्वीं;- जसपुर निवासी  द्वारा  जाती असहिष्णुता सम्बंधी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; ढांगू वालेद्वारा   पृथक वादी  मानसिकता सम्बन्धी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य;गंगासलाण  वाले द्वारा   भ्रष्टाचार, अनाचार, अत्याचार पर गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; लैंसडाउन तहसील वाले द्वारा   धर्म सम्बन्धी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य;पौड़ी गढ़वाल वाले द्वारा  वर्ग संघर्ष सम्बंधी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; उत्तराखंडी  द्वारा  पर्यावरण संबंधी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य;मध्य हिमालयी लेखक द्वारा  विकास संबंधी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य;उत्तरभारतीय लेखक द्वारा  पलायन सम्बंधी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; मुंबई प्रवासी लेखक द्वारा  सांस्कृतिक विषयों पर गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; महाराष्ट्रीय प्रवासी लेखकद्वारा  सरकारी प्रशासन संबंधी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; भारतीय लेखक द्वारा  राजनीति विषयक गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; सांस्कृतिक मुल्य ह्रास पर व्यंग्य , गरीबी समस्या पर व्यंग्य, आम आदमी की परेशानी विषय के व्यंग्य, जातीय  भेदभाव विषयक गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; एशियाई लेखक द्वारा सामाजिक  बिडम्बनाओं, पर्यावरण विषयों   पर  गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य, राजनीति में परिवार वाद -वंशवाद   पर गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य; ग्रामीण सिंचाई   विषयक  गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य, विज्ञान की अवहेलना संबंधी गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य  ; ढोंगी धर्म निरपरेक्ष राजनेताओं पर आक्षेप , व्यंग्य , अन्धविश्वास  पर चोट करते गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य, राजनेताओं द्वारा अभद्र गाली पर हास्य -व्यंग्य    श्रृंखला जारी  

Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument used in Garhwal Folk Dramas

Review of Characteristics of Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Theater/Rituals and Traditional Plays part -146
                  गढ़वाली लोक नाटकों के वाद्य यंत्र
                     Bhishma Kukreti (लोक साहित्य शोधार्थी)
Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument used in Garhwal Folk Dramas  

       There are other names of Ransingha (Ran-Singha) as Turri, Turhi,Bugudu, Narsingha,Ran- Sangh,  in different regions of India. Ransingha (Ran-Singha) has its origin in battlefield. It is believed that when deities won the battle over demons the Ransingha was played for winning celebration.Ransingha is sign of victory and is played in folk rituals and folk song programs, folk dramas etc. The player blow Ransingha by m mouth from lower end of the instrument which is narrow by holding it in the air. The music instrument is S shaped and is made by brass, copper or in old time by silver by Kingdom court. The length of S shaped Ransingha is 108 centimeter and the diameter of its mouth is 14 cm. The brass curves might be four or five for strengthening to Ransingha. Ransingha has two parts and one part fit into other (for carrying from one place to other place) making it folding instrument.
                   Ransingha produce s all seven Swaras or notes chromatically.  

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 28/4/2014

Characteristics of Garhwali Folk Drama, Community Dramas; Folk Theater/Rituals and Traditional to be continued in next chapter
1-Bharat Natyashastra
2-Steve Tillis, 1999, Rethinking Folk Drama
3-Roger Abrahams, 1972, Folk Dramas in Folklore and Folk life 
4-Tekla Domotor , Folk drama as defined in Folklore and Theatrical Research
5-Kathyrn Hansen, 1991, Grounds for Play: The Nautanki Theater of North India
6-Devi Lal Samar, Lokdharmi Pradarshankari Kalayen 
7-Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral, Uttarakhand ka Itihas part 1-12
8-Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Loknritya geet
9-Jeremy Montagu, 2007, Origins and Development of Musical Instruments
10-Gayle Kassing, 2007, History of Dance: An Interactive Arts Approach
11- Bhishma Kukreti, 2013, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhya Tatva va Charitra, Shailvani, Kotdwara
12- Bhishma Kukreti, 2007, Garhwali Lok Swangun ma rasa ar Bhav , Chithipatri
13-Manorama Sharma, Tribal Melodies of Himachal Pradesh: Gaddi Folk Music
Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays; Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument  in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays from Chamoli Garhwal, North India, South Asia; Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays from Rudraprayag Garhwal, North India, South Asia;  Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays from Pauri Garhwal, North India, South Asia; Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays from Tehri Garhwal, North India, South Asia;  Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays from Uttarkashi Garhwal, North India, South Asia;  Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument  in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays from Dehradun Garhwal, North India, South Asia; Ransingha an Aero Phonic Folk Musical Instrument used in Garhwal Folk Dramas in Garhwali Folk Drama, Folk Rituals, Community Theaters and Traditional Plays from Haridwar Garhwal, North India, South Asia

Monday, April 28, 2014

Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Ravain

Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional Stories, Community Narratives -87

  Compiled and Edited by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)
                                         (Reference: Dr Jagdish Naudiyal)
          There was a family in Ravain. Randei was the family head. Randei was master in welcoming guests. Her family had huge farm land. Randei family was prosperous family.
              One day, a guest from Gangad (person from other than Ravain region especially from Ganga valley) came to visit Randei family. Randei cooked mutton, rice. She offered Gangadi fellow mutton, rice and alcoholic drink made by millet. Gangadi fellow took alcoholic drink and ate rice with mutton. Gangadi could not eat much mutton could not consume wine too. However, he was unconscious for two days because of mutton and wine. It is said that Gangadi can’t take much mutton and can’t consume alcoholic drink.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 28/4/2014 for review and interpretation

Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, to be continued …in next chapter


1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003, 
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun
Garhwali , Himalayan folk Stories from Garhwal sequence; Garhwali folk Stories from Haridwar  Shivalik  , Garhwal; Garhwali folk Stories from Dehradun , Shivalik, Garhwal chain; Garhwali folk Stories from Uttarkashi Himalayan Garhwal; Garhwali folk Stories from Tehri Garhwal series; Himalayan Garhwali folk Stories from Chamoli Garhwal; Himalayan Garhwali folk Stories from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Garhwali folk Stories from Pauri Garhwal Series to be continued ..  
Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Arakot,Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Tyuni, Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Anhol,  Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Har ki Dun, Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Naitwad, Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Mori Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Purola, Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Lakhamandal Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Tones valley Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Jarmola Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Jarmola Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Yamunotri Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Ful Chatti Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Janki Chatti Ravain, North India; Gangadi ka Bhojan: A Ravain Garhwali Folk Story about Food Culture of Ravain, West Uttarkashi ,North India;

Sunday, April 27, 2014

History of King Ajeypal Killing Udaipur Chieftain Kaffu Chauhan

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -83     
 History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -328 

                       ByBhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

                   A famous Garhwali folklore tells the story of brave Chieftain of Udaipur region of Tehri Garhwal.  Ajeypal won over many Garhpati (smaller rulers in Garhwal) and established his capital in Shrinagar. At the time of a ceremony for Shrinagar capital, most of chieftain (under Ajeypal), elites and many other important personalities from all over Garhwal attended the said ceremony. The Chieftain of Uppugarh of Udaipur (Tehri Garhwal) Kaffu Chauhan did not attend the ceremony. Kaffu Chauhan sent message with the messenger of Ajeypal that he (Kaffu) is lion among wild animals and Hawk among birds and would not accept the overruling of Ajeypal. Ajeypal warned Kaffu Chauhan to experience his attack. Kaffu Chauhan sent message that he would destroy the capital of Ajeypal.
 Ajeypal sent his army for attacking Kaffu Chauhan. There was a grass rope way bridge for crossing Alaknanda from Shrinagar region (Today’s Pauri Garhwal) to reach Uppugarh. Kaffu Chauhan cut the bridge. Ajeypal had to construct another bridge. Army of Ajeypal reached near to Uppugarh.  Kaffu Chauhan had smaller army than Ajeypal. He and his army fought with bravery. Ajeypal army destroyed Kaffu Chauhan army; Kaffu was left with a smaller numbers of soldiers. Hearing such news, mother of Kaffu got impression that Kaffu is killed in the battle. She burnt her palace and all inhabitants were burnt in the burning palace. Kaffu reached towards his palace. Kaffu Chauhan was deeply sad knowing the incident.
 Ajeypal also reached at the site. Ajeypal ordered his army to behead the head of Kaffu that his head reached to his (Ajeypal’s) feet. Kaffu gulped soil. The soldier of Ajeypal attacked Kaffu by sword and instead the head of Kaffu falling on the feet of Ajeypal fell on his head. Ajeypal was impressed by bravery of Kaffu Chauhan.
Ajeypal cremated Kaffu Chauhan with state honor at Alaknanda bank.
  Garhwalis respect Kaffu Chauhan more than Ajeypal.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, bckukreti@gmail.com28/4//2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -329 

1-Dr. Shiv Prasad Dabral, 1971, Uttarakhand ka Itihas Bhag-4, Veer Gatha Press, Dogadda, Pauri Garhwal, India 
2-Harikrishna Raturi, Garhwal ka Itihas
3-Dr. Patiram, Garhwal Ancient and Modern
4-Rahul Sankrityayan, Garhwal
5- Oakley and Gairola, Himalayan Folklore
6- Bhakt Darshan, Garhwal ki Divangit Vibhutiyan
7-Foster, Early Travels in India William Finch
8-Upadhyaya, Shri Shankaracharya
9-Shering, Western Tibet and British
10-H.G. Walton, Gazetteer of British Garhwal
11-B.P.Kamboj, Early Wall Paintings of Garhwal
12-H.g Walton, Gazetteer of Dehradun
13- Vimal Chandra, Prachin Bharat ka Itihas
14-Meera Seth, Wall Paintings of Western Himalayas 
15-Furar, Monumental Antiquities
16-Haudiwala, Studies in Indo-Muslim History
17- Rahul Khari 2007, Jats and Gujjar Origin, History and Culture
18- Upendra Singh, 2006, Delhi: Ancient History, Barghahan Books
19- B.S. Dahiya, 1980, Jats the Ancient Rulers (A Clan Study) , Sterling Publications
20- Maithani, Bharat –Gotrapravardeepika
21 Prem Hari Har Lal, 1993, The Doon Valley Down the Ages
22-Dashrath Sharma, Early Chauhan Dynasties
23- Shailndra Nath Sen, Ancient History and Civilization
24-H.M Elliot, 1867, The History of India as told by its Own Historians
25- Jaswant Lal Mehta, 1979, Advance Study in Medieval India
26- Nau Nihal Singh, 2003, The Royal Gurjars: their contribution to India, Anmol Publications 
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter          
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued

हिंदुस्तान -चीन मध्य पाणी युद्ध पर चर्चा किलै नि हूणि च ?

विमर्श -भीष्म कुकरेती        

(s =आधी अ  = अ , क , का , की ,  आदि )
                  2014 लोकसभा चुनाव मा  भाजपा या कॉंग्रेसम सही बुल्या त बुलणs कुछ नी च त मा -बेटी -बैणि अदानी -फदानी का तीर चलाणा त हवा मा तैरदु गुजरात मॉडल का सौदागर -गलादार जनता तैं वाड्रा की  फिलम इन दिखाणु च जन बुल्यां यीं फिलम तैं ऑस्कार पुरूस्कार मिलण वाळ हो।  
मुद्दा भटक्यां छन अर नेता बेमुद्दा तैं मुद्दा बणैक वोट लांदेर थाळी मा परोसणा छन।. सभी के सब वौद्धिक  दिवालिया कहींके !
 सरकार कैक बि बौणलि वीं सरकार तैं हिन्द -चीन कु पाणि जुद्ध निपटाण ही पोड़ल अर चुनाव मा इंडो -चाइना वाटर वॉर पर बहस जरुरी छे किन्तु शहजादा -यशोदाबेन की लड़ै मा सीमा युद्ध से बि अहम पाणी -युद्ध की चर्चा ही नी हुणि च। 
 एक सत्य च कि चीन अर भारत दुयुं तै विकास करण तो नदी ही ना हरेक छ्वाया क सही इस्तेमाल पर ध्यान दीण पोड़ल। 
ब्रह्मपुत्र एक इन नदी च ज्वा भविष्य का खातिर ब्रह्मपुत्र भारत का वास्ता एक बरदान साबित ह्वे सकद जैक फायदा बंगलादेश अर बर्मा तैं बि ह्वे सकद।  ब्रह्मपुत्र कु पाणी से भारत मा अन्य भागुं मा सिंचाई ह्वे सकद अर बिजली पैदा ह्वे सकद। 
किन्तु चीन समजद या चीन की नीति च कि जैं नदी को स्रोत्र चीन मा च वीं नदी पर चीन कु हक च। 
चीन ब्रह्मपुत्र ( यरलंग सांगपो जैक अब यालुजंगबु नाम च )   पर भौत सा बाँध  बणानु च। चीन ब्रह्मपुत्र पर केवल बाँध ही नी बांधणु च अपितु ब्रह्मपुत्र तैं पीली नदी मा लिजाणो तयारी करणु च। ब्रह्मपुत्र पर पांच बाँध त बंधी गेन अर चीन द्वारा ब्रह्मपुत्र तैं भारत -चीन सीमा पर उत्तर दिशा मा मोड़णो तयारी बि ह्वे गे। यदि ब्रह्मपुत्र तै पीली नदी से जुड़े जालु तो भारत कु पाणी पर चीनी अधिकार तो होलु ही बल्कि भारत मा भौत सा पर्यावरणीय समस्या बि पैदा ह्वे जाली। हमर जमीन का बाद हमर पाणी  पर चीन अधिकार करणै तयारी मा च अर भारत सियुं च। 
चीन हमेसा से , हजारो साल से सन तुन जो की छद्म नीतियु पर चलद। ब्रह्मपुत्र अर अन्य संसाधनो का मामला मा चीन भारत तैं बौगाणु च अर संधि हूणों बाद बि भारत तै नदी संबंधी डाटा नि दींदु अर भारत सरकार यां पर क्या करणी च यी त मनमोहन जी ही जाणदा होला अर मनमोहन जी तो मुख खुल्दा ही नि छन तो ये विषय मा भारतीय जनता अनभिज्ञ च। 
आज पानी युद्ध हमर समिण च अर इखमा हमर विदेश नीति मा तेजी लाणै जरूरत च। आज भारत तैं चितळ ह्वेक अपर हक्क की रक्षा करणो जतन करण चयेंद।  निथर इन नि ह्वे जाव कि ब्रह्मपुत्र बि हम से छिन जावु !
भारत का सबि राजनीतिक दलूँ तैं एक ह्वेक चीन की पाणी पर अधिकार करणो आक्रमक मुद्रा तैं रुकणो बान जु बि वाजिब दबाब बणाण सि दबाब बणान चयेंद।
आज पाणी हक्क पर चर्चा जरूरी च। पाणी पर चीनी गिद्ध जन लुटेरी रणनीति कु तोड़ भारतम हूण चयेंद। 

Copyright@  Bhishma Kukreti  28/4/2014 

Garhwali Folk Tale about Food Habits of Ravain Region, Garhwal

Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional Stories, Community Narratives -86

  Compiled and Edited by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)
                                         (Reference: Dr Jagdish Naudiyal)

             Ravain region has a few specific differences than other average Garhwal regions. The Ravain region has exclusive food habit culture also. There is following folk tale displaying food habit culture of Ravain region.
  One day, a strong built boy went to house of Sarru for getting her hand from Sarru’s father. The boy was handsome and strong. He was clever too. Sarru was happy to see the boy. Her parents were also happy to have such strong and handsome boy for their daughter.
   Before dinner, the boy informed that he neither takes meat (non vegetarian food) nor consumes wine. The parents of girl were frustrated to know that boy does not take meat nor consumes wine. Sarru was extremely disappointed about food habit of the boy. Sarru’s parents refuge to marry their daughter with such boy. Sarru was also pleased that she would not marry that boy who does not take meat/mutton and does not consume alcoholic drink.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 27/4/2014 for review and interpretation

Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, to be continued …in next chapter


1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003, 
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun
Garhwali , Himalayan folk Stories from Garhwal sequence; Garhwali folk Stories from Haridwar  Shivalik  , Garhwal; Garhwali folk Stories from Dehradun , Shivalik, Garhwal chain; Garhwali folk Stories from Uttarkashi Himalayan Garhwal; Garhwali folk Stories from Tehri Garhwal series; Himalayan Garhwali folk Stories from Chamoli Garhwal; Himalayan Garhwali folk Stories from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Garhwali folk Stories from Pauri Garhwal Series to be continued ..  
Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Radhi danda Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Yamunotri Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Kharsali Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Janki Chatti Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Ful Chatti Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Hanuman Chatti Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Badkot Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Gangnani Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Naugaon Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Lakhamandal Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Purola Ravain Region, Garhwal;  Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Jarmola Dhar Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Mori Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Naitwad Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Anhol Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Tyuni Ravain Region, Garhwal; Garhwali, Himalayan Folk Tale about Food Habits of Arakot Ravain Region, Garhwal;   

ट्रैवल एजेंसियों के लिए कुछ अनिवार्य लाइसेंस आवश्यकताएं

ट्रैवल एजेंसी व्यापार कैसे शुरू किया जाता है - भाग -4 

                               How to Start Travel Agency in context Uttarakhand Tourism and Hospitality Development Part -4  

                         (Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Management for Garhwal, Kumaon and Hardwar series--57  
उत्तराखंड में पर्यटन  आतिथ्यविपणन प्रबंधन -भाग 57    

ट्रैवल एजेंसी व्यापारी को निम्न लाइसेंसों की आवश्यकता पड़ती। है 
  १-नगरपालिका या ग्राम पंचायत के आवश्यक रजिस्ट्रेसन लाइसेंस
 २-शॉप ऐंड इस्टैब्लिशमेंट जैसे लाइसेंस 
३- वैट टैक्स रजिस्ट्रेसन  राज्य व केंद्रीय टैक्स संबंधी रजिस्ट्रेसन 
४-IATA व ASATA की सदस्यता 
 ५-साइन बोर्ड लगाने का लाइसेंस अथवा रोड साइड नियमों का पालन हेतु आवश्यक फॉर्मुलिटी 
६- म्युनिसिपैलिटी , जिला या राज्य सरकार के गुमास्ता या कर्मिक भर्ती नियमो के लिए आवश्यक शर्तों का पालन 
७- यदि संस्थान बड़ा है तो प्रोविडेंट फंड , फेमिली पेंसन , ESIC , कर्मिकों के जीवन बीमा , कार्यालय बीमा आदि यदि आवश्यक हों तो लाइसेंस या अन्य सरकारी रजिस्ट्रेसन 
८- इनकम टैक्स , सेल्स टैक्स , सर्विस टैक्स आदि के लाइसेंस/रजिस्ट्रेसन  आदि 
८- करेंसी एक्सचेंज के लिए आवश्यक रजिस्ट्रेसन , लाइसेंस आदि 
उपरोक्त नियमों व अन्य जरूरी सरकारी अथवा गैरसरकारी लाइसेंस /रिजिस्ट्रेसन का प्रबंध होना चाहिए 

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti  27/4/2014 

Contact ID bckukreti@gmail.com
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Management for Garhwal, Kumaon and Hardwar series to be continued ...

उत्तराखंड में पर्यटन  आतिथ्य विपणन प्रबंधन श्रृंखला जारी 


1 -
भीष्म कुकरेती, 2006  -2007  , उत्तरांचल में  पर्यटन विपणन परिकल्पना ,शैलवाणी (150  अंकों में ) कोटद्वार गढ़वाल

History of King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal

History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -82     
 History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -327 

                       ByBhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

                 Around first part of nineteenth century (around Gorkhali), there was a big fort in Shrinagar Garhwal called Ajeypal ku Kot or Ajeypal Palace.  The Ajeypal Palace was built with big stone pieces and lime.
  The Palace had three big portions. Every portion was four floors high. There were stone overhanging eves (chhajja) and their bases were made artistically.  It is said that wood was not used in building palace. The window nets were made by cutting stone. The door nets were also made by stone as wooden window.
           The main door was very strong, heavy and had artistic works and defense mechanism. A Kukreti family folklore describes that many men were required to shut and open the doors (See Kukreti Vanshavali) . Dr. Dabral also vouched the same that numbers of people used to move the doors. It is said that when door were mad nobody could lift those doors to fit on palace. The King Ajeypal had a ritual and he lifted the door. A maid servant saw the King lifting heavy doors. The King killed the maid servant and nobody could know the secret.
 There was custom of human sacrifice for new building or building other infrastructure as Bhad Madho Singh sacrificed his son life for Maletha canal. It is said that king Ajeypal sacrificed maid servant for his newly built palace.
It is said that there was a secret tunnel from palace to Alaknanda River through which palace women used to go for bathing. A four mile water canal was dig from Alaknanda to the palace for water needs.
 The palace was fallen down in earth quack of 1803 and the palace ruins fled away in 1894 flood.
               Building Temples
 According to Raturi, Ajeypal built Satyanath Bhairav temple and Rajrajeshwari yantra , Gaurjadevi temple in Devalgarh. There are sculptures or idols in the temples. It seems that the temples built by Ajeypal in 1552 or around were renovated on later stages and changed drastically.

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, bckukreti@gmail.com27/4//2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -328 

1-Dr. Shiv Prasad Dabral, 1971, Uttarakhand ka Itihas Bhag-4, Veer Gatha Press, Dogadda, Pauri Garhwal, India 
2-Harikrishna Raturi, Garhwal ka Itihas
3-Dr. Patiram, Garhwal Ancient and Modern
4-Rahul Sankrityayan, Garhwal
5- Oakley and Gairola, Himalayan Folklore
6- Bhakt Darshan, Garhwal ki Divangit Vibhutiyan
7-Foster, Early Travels in India William Finch
8-Upadhyaya, Shri Shankaracharya
9-Shering, Western Tibet and British
10-H.G. Walton, Gazetteer of British Garhwal
11-B.P.Kamboj, Early Wall Paintings of Garhwal
12-H.g Walton, Gazetteer of Dehradun
13- Vimal Chandra, Prachin Bharat ka Itihas
14-Meera Seth, Wall Paintings of Western Himalayas 
15-Furar, Monumental Antiquities
16-Haudiwala, Studies in Indo-Muslim History
17- Rahul Khari 2007, Jats and Gujjar Origin, History and Culture
18- Upendra Singh, 2006, Delhi: Ancient History, Barghahan Books
19- B.S. Dahiya, 1980, Jats the Ancient Rulers (A Clan Study) , Sterling Publications
20- Maithani, Bharat –Gotrapravardeepika
21 Prem Hari Har Lal, 1993, The Doon Valley Down the Ages
22-Dashrath Sharma, Early Chauhan Dynasties
23- Shailndra Nath Sen, Ancient History and Civilization
24-H.M Elliot, 1867, The History of India as told by its Own Historians
25- Jaswant Lal Mehta, 1979, Advance Study in Medieval India
26- Nau Nihal Singh, 2003, The Royal Gurjars: their contribution to India, Anmol Publications 
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter          
Notes on South Asian Medieval History of Garhwal;  SouthAsian Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal;  Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Medieval History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian History of Haridwar district to be continued

History of Devalgarh King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal; History of Chandpur King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal; History of Alaknanda Valley King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal; History of Mandakini Valley King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal; History of Pindar King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal; History of Vishnu Ganga Valley King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal; History of Bhagirathi valley King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal; History of Bavan Garhi winning King Ajeypal Sacrificing Human for His Marvelous Palace of Shrinagar, Garhwal;