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उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ghutu ki Bwe: Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Story

Critical review of Garhwali satirical prose- 86

Critical Review of Modern Garhwali Stories -146

                 A critical Review and Analysis of Garhwali story ‘Ghutu ki Bwe’ by Parma Nand Balodi (Shailvani 23/8/2011)

                           Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali  Stories!

                                                    Review by Bhishma Kukreti

[Notes on Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Garhwali Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Uttarakhandi Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Mid Himalayan Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Himalayan Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in North Indian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Indian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in South Asian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Asian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Oriental Story]


   The Garhwali short story ‘Ghutu ki Bwe’ by Parma Nand Balodi is a mixture of realistic and at the end highly dramatic and straitlaced, moralistic didactic events.

          Ghutu lives in Delhi for his earning. His mother and wife live in village. However, his old aged mother and his wife do not see eye to eye each other. There is always high drama when both quarrel. Ghutu come to village and watch behavior of his mother and wife. He takes decision to bury his mother alive in forest. He takes action but a shocking event happens and Ghutu is changed man.

The opening is arresting to readers, the plot is realistic, the events and dialogues and phrases are from the real life in the said story. The end is unexpected but catches the reader’s interest in the story.


Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 1/11/2012

Critical Review of Modern Garhwali Stories to be …148

Commentary  on Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Garhwali Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Uttarakhandi Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Mid Himalayan Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Himalayan Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in North Indian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Indian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in South Asian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Asian Story; Blending of realistic and didactic, straitlaced, upright, moralistic theme in Oriental Story to be continued …

                                        Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali   Stories!


मंत्री पद आबंटन (बंटवारो)

Critical review of Garhwali satirical prose- 86

गढ़वाली हास्य व्यंग्य

चबोड़ इ चबोड़ मा

                       मंत्री पद आबंटन (बंटवारो)

                             चबोड्या : भीष्म कुकरेती


दुर्योधन- ममा जी ! अब आपक सुझाव अर बुबा जी बुलण पर हमन मंत्रीपद परिवर्तन त करणी आइ अर छै मैना ह्वे गेन पण अबि तलक निर्णय नि ल्याई कि कै चमचा ते कु पद दिए जाओ .

शकुनी - भणजा! क्या बोलु मि .जीजा श्री अर दीदी श्री देखि नि सकदन त हरेक निर्णय क बान भीष्म श्री, विदुर श्री, क्रिपाचार्य श्री, द्रोणाचार्य श्री आर शिल्पी श्री पर आश्रित रौंदन ब्वालो तो निर्णय लेई नि सकदन .अफु बि घंघतोळ मा रौंदन अर हौरू कुणि बि घंघतोळौ दिवाल सीढ़ी खड़ी कौर दीन्दन घंघतोळौ दिवाल सीढ़ी खड़ी कौर दीन्दन

दुर्योधन - पण उंकी क्या गल्ती ! द्याखो ना ! भीष्म ददा श्री बुलणा छन बल सेवानिवृत सेनापतियो तै मंत्री बणावो, विदुर काका बुल्दन बल केवल विद्वान इ मंत्रीपद जोग हून्दन अर हर समौ अड़ी जान्दन . द्रोणाचार्य श्री को मत च बल मंत्रीपद मा परुशराम जी जन ब्रह्म तेजी अर शस्त्र धारी इ हूण चयेंदन त कृपाचार्य श्री बुल्दन बल पुडक्या बामण अर नेगिचारी (सेवकाई ) का गुण वळ इ मंत्री बणये जाण चयेंदन त शिल्पिराज श्री बुल्दन बल शिल्पकारो तै जादा जगा मिलण चयेंद . कैकि सुणो अर कैकि नि सुणो। एकाक सुणो त हैंको रूसे जांद . सब्युं सुणो त कुछ करे इ नि सक्यांद .

शकुनी - भणजो सुयोधन ! शुक्रनीति ब्वालो या मनुस्मृति ब्वालो दुई बुल्दा बि छन बल जब राजा अंधा ह्वाओ या सूचना लीण -दीण मा हीण ह्वाओ या राजा मा क्वी बि कमजोरी ह्वाओ त मंत्री या सलाहकार अपण अपण समुदाय, अपण अपण मुन्डीत बणाण बिसे जान्दन अर दिखणो त एकी राजा दिख्यांद पण असल मा भौत सा लोग अलग लग ढंग से राज चलांदन , यि लोग राजभोग करदन अर राजा बिचारो गाळी खाणो रौंद। खावन प्यावन हौरुक अर मार खावन गौरुक .

दुर्योधन - ममा श्री ! पण अब मंत्रीमंडल परिवर्तन टळण माने हस्तिनापुर पर मुसीबत लाण।

शकुनी - अच्छा त तेरी सूची तैयार च ? कि कै कै तै मंत्रीपद दीण

दुर्योधन- हाँ

शकुनी - त तुमारी पड़ ददी माता सत्यवती क टुटब्याग अपणाण पोड़ल।

दुर्योधन - यु क्या च ?

शकुनी - माता सत्यवती बड़ी चतुर विदुषी महिला छे . वो सौब काम अपणी मर्जी से करदी छे पण लोगु तै लगदो छौ कि वो सौब लोगु तै पूछी जाचिक काम करदी . गणतंत्री अधिनायकवाद की सबसे बड़ी धड्वे छे माता सत्यवती .

दुर्योधन - या बात मेरी समज से भैर च कि माता सत्यवती गणतंत्री अधिनायकवाद की पुजारिन छे . गण तन्त्र अर अधिनायकवाद त आपस मा मीलि नि सकदन फिर ?

शकुनी - देख भाणजो ! माता सत्यवती न पूछ सब्युं तै च कि कुरु बंश चलाणों बान अम्बा , अम्बालिका क दगड़ निसर्ग योग विधि द्वारा पुत्र उत्पादन करे जाण चयेंद .

दुर्योधन - हाँ , बुबा श्री , पांडू श्री आर विदुर काका निसर्ग योग से इ पैदा हुयाँ छन .दादी सत्यवती न भीष्म ददा जीक अर मंत्रीमंडल की पूरी सहमति लेकी यु निर्णय ल्याई .

शकुनी- हा हा !

दुर्योधन - आप हंसणा छंवा ?

शकुनी - माता सत्यवती क विद्वता दिखण लैक च सिखण लैक च।

दुर्योधन - मामा श्री ! इखमा चतुराई क्या च ?

शकुनी - अछा ! जरा बतादी कि निसर्ग योग का वास्ता कै तै बलाए गे छौ ?

दुर्योधन- मुनि व्यास तै

शकुनी - मतबल खून या वीर्य को हिसाब से तुम असल मा कै बि रूप मा कुरु बंश या शातुनु बंशी नि छंवा

दुर्योधन - हाँ पण यो त सब्युं सहमति अर सलाह से ह्वे छौ

शकुनी - हाँ इखम सत प्रतिसत गणतांत्रिक पद्धति दिख्याणि च . दादा भीष्म अर सबि बुजर्गो न सलाह बि दे अर सहमति बि जताई कि निसर्ग योग से कुरु बंश की रक्षा करे जावो

दुर्योधन - या बात त भीष्म दादा अर शिल्पराज आज बि बुल्दन कि वुनि दादी सत्यवती तै सलाह दे छौ

शकुनी - याने कि खून या वीर्य को हिसबन जीजा श्री, पांडू श्री अर विदुर श्री व्यास पुत्र छन

दुर्योधन - हां

शकुनी - अर व्यास श्री कैकि सन्तान छन ?

दुर्योधन - व्यास श्री बि हमारी ददी सत्यवती की सन्तान छन

शकुनी- यो इ त गणतंत्री अधिनायकवाद ह्वाई . सलाह लीण अलग बात च अर सलाह तै अपण हिसाब मोड़ द्याओ बिगळी बात . माता सत्यवती न सलाह जरोर ल्याई पण निसर्ग का वास्ता अपणो पुत्र इ बुलाई . बड़ी चतुराई से माता सत्यवती न ये खानदान तै अपणो पुत्र व्यास का बीज दिलै दिने

दुर्योधन - मामा श्री ! मी नि जाणदों कि आपको मन्तव्य क्या च मि तै इन बताओ कि इतना जटिल वस्तुस्थिति क मध्य मंत्रीमंडल माँ परिवर्तन कनै करे जावो .

शकुनी - अब एकी ब्युंत च गणतंत्री अधिनायकवाद चलाण जन माता सत्यवती न कौर छौ .

दुर्योधन - क्वा च वा गणतंत्री अधिनायकवाद की कौंळ ?

शकुनी - बस भोळ राज दरबार मा महाधिराज धृतराष्ट्र तै अधा दिन तलक भीष्म श्री , विदुर श्री , द्रोणाचार्य श्री , क्रिपाचार्य श्री , शिल्प्श्री आद्यु से सलाह मंगण कि एक सुयोग्य मंत्रीमंडल कनों हूण चयेंद . मन्त्रियों क्या क्या विशेष गुण हून्दन . बस यि दिखण कि सौब लोग ये वार्तालाप मा शामिल ह्वावन . हाँ ! यूँ तै लगण चयेंद कि निर्णय मा यि लोग शामिल छन .सब तै संतुष्ट हूँण चएंद कि महाराज उंकी सलाह की बड़ी कदर करदन फिर दुफरा उपरान्त डुग डुगी बजाण कि महान सम्राट धृतराष्ट्र न गणतन्त्र की रक्षा हेतु मंत्रिमंडल परिवर्तन का वास्ता हस्तिनापुर का सबि महान लोगु की सलाह ले याल। सरा हस्तिनापुर मा सलाह की बात घर घर जाण चएंद। .

दुर्योधन - फिर ?

शकुनी - स्याम दै डुगडुगि बजाण कि मंत्री मंडल मा परिवर्तन ह्वे गे अर राजकीय चौबटा मा मंत्रीमंडल की नई सूची टांग दीण।

दुर्योधन- या कौंळ चली जालि ?

शकुनी - हाँ सूची तुमारी अर लोगु तै लगण चएंद की मंत्रीमंडल गठन मा सबी लोगु तै सम्मलित करे गे , निर्णय मा सबी शामिल छन . अर यान्खुणि त गणतंत्री अधिनायक वाद बुल्दन . गणतंत्री अधिनायक मा सलाह लीण या शामिल , सम्मलित को असली अर्थ होंद फंसाण। फंसाण तै इ कूटनीति बुल्दन .फंसाण इ गणतंत्री अधिनायक हूंद . गणतंत्री हिसाब से जाळ बूणो, गणतंत्री हिसाब से घात प्रतिघात का जाळ बिछाओ अर अधिनायकी हिसाब से शिकार को शिकार कारो।.


Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 1/11/2012


Election Khabar: Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure

Critical review of Garhwali satirical prose- 86

Critical review of Garhwali satirical prose- 86

(Analysis of Garhwali Humor and Satire written by Tribhuwan Uniyal (Hello Padhani Bau Khabar Sar, 15 March, 2012) –5)

                            Review by Bhishma Kukreti

 [Notes on Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure; Garhwali Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure; Uttarakhandi Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Mid Himalayan Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;  Himalayan Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;  North Indian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Indian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Indian subcontinent Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   South Asian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;  Asian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Oriental Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure]

            Tribhuwan Uniyal writes on various subjects in one article of ‘Padhani Bau’ column a Garhwali satirical column. In the present issue, Uniyal ridicules the politicians who deceived their own party and see that their own party candidates loose the election.  The famous satirist Tribhuwan Uniyal  attacks on the voters too  that they wish to have honest politicians but vote for dishonest politicians.

  Uniyal also ridicules the government policies that all government agencies spend major budget in March –the year ending month and do sit for nothing for eleven months.

 As usual his way of delivering is fantastic humor.  The following lines state that it was great Indian singer Narendra Negi who arranged defeat for his pupil Ghanna Bhai

  गबरू - लोग  यन बि बुना छन कि घन्ना दा थै नेगी भैजिन हि हरै

बू- हाँ भै द्यूर जी, यु काम  जरुर किया नेगी जिठा ज्योर ने . नथर जिठा जी जीत जातेतो तब कौंग्रेस ह्वे तो गयी थी पिछ्नै 


Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 31/10/2012

Critical review of Garhwali satirical prose to be … 87

Notes on Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure; Garhwali Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure; Uttarakhandi Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Mid Himalayan Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;  Himalayan Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;  North Indian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Indian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Indian subcontinent Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   South Asian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;  Asian Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure;   Oriental Satire ridiculing election strategies, election results and government expenditure to be continued…


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sadari ar Tihri: Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri

Critical review of Garhwali satirical prose- 85

Critical Review of Modern Garhwali Stories -146

                 A critical Review and Analysis of Garhwali mini story ‘Sadari ar Tihri’by Anjali Nautiyal (Khabar Sar, 15th May 2005)

                            Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali  Stories!

                                                    Review by Bhishma Kukreti

[Notes on Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri; Garhwali Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Uttarakhandi Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Mid Himalayan Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Himalayan Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri; North Indian Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Indian Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri; Indian subcontinent Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri; South Asian  Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Asian Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Oriental Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri]   

   The Garhwali mini story ‘Sadari ar Tihri by Anjali Nautiyal is very good example of symbolic stories in Garhwali language. She compares the situation of an old aged man and sinking Tihri. The son does not purchase new dressing for his aged father that his father  might die any day and at the same time he does not repair his decrypting house because very soon the people of Tihri would be displaced.

अब वैका आंख्युं मा टीरी को किचील से भर्युं बस अड्डा रिटण लगे . टूटी फूटीं सड़क्यूँ कागड्ढा अर उजड़ी दुकानि अर टूट्या डेरा . बस तबी वैन चितै कि वैकि सेरी ताकत खतमह्वेगी . अब ना  वो बाबाजीक सदरी सिले सकदो अर ना कबि अपड़ी उजड़ी छत बणैसकदो .

           The story is illustrated very well and in minimum words, the story writer is successful to compare the two tendered situations. Anjali could successfully show the tension, could create atmosphere, and characterization in lowest possible words.  The story compels readers to think about the situation of old aged persons who are being ignored for financial reasons.


Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 29/10/2012

Critical Review of Modern Garhwali Stories to be …147

Commentary  on Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri; Garhwali Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Uttarakhandi Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Mid Himalayan Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Himalayan Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri; North Indian Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Indian Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Indian subcontinent Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  South Asian  Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Asian Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri;  Oriental Story about ignoring Old Aged parents and Sinking Tihri  to be continued…

                  Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Stories!